Our mission
We exist to empower the creative class.
Crewest Studio LLC is a mission driven content company dedicated to the creative class and the $2T creative economy. We work to develop, produce and distribute programming that entertains, informs and inspires the 140M professional creatives around the world.
Our world
Ernst+Young says creative industries contribute $2T to the global economy annually. Searching hashtags on IG reveals #art, #design, #architecture and #streetart have 400m, 144m, 87.5m and 39.8m tags respectively. Numbers like these quantify the fundamental power of artists as a core driver of our global economy and culture.
We were established in 2002 as a ground-breaking art gallery in Los Angeles by contemporary artist Man One. Crewest Gallery was the first art gallery in L.A. committed to giving graffiti artists a legitimate venue to exhibit and sell their art. For ten years between 2002-2012, Man One curated over 100 exhibitions featuring 2000 artists from over 20 countries.
OUR projects
Many of the artists we work with have original art available for sale which you can purchase through the following websites: